Changes to MibTiger
2.0.1 03/05/2016
- Now converts DisplayString type fields to ASCII strings.
- Now shows description of OID if you click on it in the output table.
- Now returns an error if set community password is missing or invalid.
- Was not pre-building the default options.ini file.
- Added Set to the menu in the output table.
- Was displaying the wrong error message when OID is read only.
- Was only allowing integer values to be set.
2.0.0 11/04/2015
- Upgraded to newer version of snmp4j
- Fixed some bugs.
1.3.0 10/19/2010
- Added table support. A test release to see if it works for all or what changes are needed.
1.2.24 09/30/2010
- Can now double click object in tree and that causes a walk. (suggestion by Christian A., Thanks)
- mibtiger.bat was uses the wrong version number.
1.2.22 06/10/2010
- Added more validating during SET operations.
1.2.21 05/04/2010
- Changed ipaddress types to Octet String when setting object.
- Now clears infor section when you click on a non-object type.
1.2.20 05/01/2010
- Added a ablity to check for updates.
- Add more font control options. (If Agent and Bookmark disappear try adjusting font settings.)
- Setting an object with a range value would crash program.
1.2.19 04/16/2010
- Walking mib from root object was crashing program.
1.2.18 04/08/2010
- Restrict set values to match the type of object. For integer only numbers and so on.
- If object has a range value then limit user to that range when setting object.
1.2.17 04/03/2010
- Minor changes.
- Can not get styles to work on the script output window (SWT StyleText).
1.2.16 03/14/2010
- Minor changes.
1.2.15 03/08/2010
- Install missed up. :(
1.2.14 03/07/2010
- The install was not working correctly.
1.2.12 02/19/2010
- Fixed crash on some mib objects.
1.2.11 02/19/2010
- Minor fixes
- If the value is a enumeration typ eobject then the enumeration name is displayed.
1.2.10 02/17/2010
- Was not parsing syntax sections correctly if 'integer{' instead of 'integer {'
1.2.9 02/11/2010
- More bug fixes.
1.2.8 02/10/2010
- Fixed a few minor bugs and added some minor enhancements.
1.2.7 02/09/2010
- Fixed bug in agent dialog.
1.2.6 02/08/2010
- Cosmetic changes to some of the settings dialogs.
1.2.5 02/07/2010
- Added a javascript editor.
1.2.3 02/04/2010
- Changed Agents dialog so that it can take a name as address.
- Script dialog was not showing javascript .js files.
1.2.2 01/03/2010
- Added SET to the scripting language.
1.2.1 02/01/2010
- Missed up the 1.2.0 install file.
1.2.0 02/01/2010
- Fixed some bugs.
- Added Javascripting, can now use javascript to do get, getnext, walk. Well add set later.
1.1.1 01/29/2010
- Clean up code.
- Fix SET action.
1.1.0 01/28/2010
- Fixed the walk action. now walks correctly.
- Changed output to a table form.
1.0.8 01/16/2010
- Fixed the bookmark manager.
1.0.7 01/15/2010
- Fixed help screens
1.0.6 01/13/2010
- Added bookmark management.
1.0.5 01/11/2010
- MIB Tree was not being built correctly.
- New option to select default mibs.
1.0.4 01/08/2010
- Added font options.
1.0.3 01/06/2010
- Fixed Options dialog.
- Was crashing if agent timed out.
1.0.2 01/05/2010
- Added a load MIB menu selection.
1.0.1 01/03/2010
- Added helps screens
- Added default start up agent option.
1.0.0 12/26/2009
- Initial release.